posted on Tuesday 26 August 2008 @ 2:19 am
Have not been updating =x ....was playing all day long and have not been studying so long too lol...but nvm shouldn't think or rather stress about N lv just take it and leave it till the results come out man...Today went to school and reached school just in time...had assembly later on english lesson and had PE...played bballl with 4n2 till recess lol..i skip maths lesson if not wrong HAHA!!...heck care..after that ate and went to CPA lesson at 4th floor =.= ...after sch went home and sleep, sleep and sleep till i woke up and found that i'm having fever, ate my med and went to my bed again...sleep till at night and the fever is gone and had dinner =D....and now i've been rotting till now zzz....already 2.30am still cant sleep haix...dont knw whats bothering me man x( ....and last of all usa won spain at the olympic finals for bball... my bball idol kobe bryant, he did a great job in the court and yet the 1st quarter he get 2 fouls =.= buts its ok :D...he did well in the end and rest of the team too especially Dwyane wade i really think he plays very well due to his steal, assist and 3 point shooting x) ...on the other side spain plays well too in the 2nd and 3rd quarter... ok then shall stop here le bye~