posted on Wednesday 11 July 2007 @ 4:33 pm
what to start from..erm
ok..same for sch
and after sch went to play bball on my own
haha...cuz waitin for shi ting as she was goin to borrow
books at jurong bored lo so juz pei her bah haha
saw hwee jie and evelyn, and then they talk awhile...
saw so mani i knew de =.=
hope they dont get the wrong
i and shi ting onli sis and bro relationship...
after that shi ting find her book that she want and
again saw those two girls
when goin to borrow the mani children so, went to find
a place to sit and they went to the toilet...
so came out liao.....went to the machine to borrow books...
the hwee jie make me so pek chek la ZzZ...
but nvm i ren =P
after that went to JE again and they went to buy things
so i waited outside the shop...after that walk to inter
to take bus...
talk awhile and shi ting bus came first
then is hwee jie and evelyn juz nice
mine came took the bus and went home
so tired sleep awhile in the bus haha...
reached home bathed and now i am goin to sleep
so so so so tired lo... =)
ok stop here le...